Snapchat making updates on Ads

Snapchat is indeed growing by the day and it is not surprising the company is moving towards Ad business. Snap is testing two major features and this video ads will be inserted between stories which will make advertisers to meet their target when it comes with sales.
Indeed, with Snap Ads, advertisers can take snapchat users out of the app and direct them to other apps if the user has downloaded on their device. Although Snapchat already offers a similar experience through its Integration with Uber, but right now advertisers can now pay for access
For example, a Telecommunication company could purchase a Snap Ad after users see 10 second video, they are directed to swipe up. Instead of showing the traditional web- view, users may be directed into another app. If they don't have the necessary app downloaded, they could be brought to a page where the app could be downloaded.
Be that as it may, in as much we can commend the laudable strategy from Snapchat, on the other hand, one can deduce that Facebook (Instagram) is offering something similar to Ads. Hence, people might not really related with Snapchat simply because it might not be user friendly
However, while it has become popular for Facebook to copy Snapchat on customer features, it seems that Snapchat is following Facebook lead in advertising
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