12 must-have iPhone apps
The social network of record has come out with quite a few apps, but this one remains the most essential. According to PC Magazine, if you watch strangers using their iPhones, there is a good chance that Facebook is the app they are using. And there is a reason for that: No other communication app offers the richness of interaction possibilities. With the Facebook app, you can not only respond to friend’s posts, but also upload photos and even broadcast live video

Flipboard, an app initially designed for the iPad that curates content from your social networks and web partners (think periodicals, blogs, etc.) based on your interests and turns them into stunning magazine-like digital pages, is now available on the iPhone. Writing in PC Magazine, Muchmore and Duffy say the app is free to download and requires a free user account. Flipboard absolutely shines on the iPad, taking advantage of swiping gestures with both visual and interactive grace, and it is still elegant on the iPhone, despite the smaller screen.
Google’s main email app (the company also makes Inbox by Gmail) is a wonderful communication tool, as long as you only use Google’s email service. It doesn’t handle mail accounts from any provider. But it does make your entire email database much faster and easier to deal with than the preinstalled Mail app can. That capability alone makes it a must-have iPhone app. It can very easily become your primary app for Gmail. It is smooth and fast, as well, but note that Apple doesn’t allow third-party mail apps to become the default, the one that opens when you hit a link.
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