Uber can't stop Smiling to the Bank

Indeed, this is the time of the year people cherish the most. As for Uber, New year's Eve has always been the busiest night of the year which means pretty much of the entire world is in need of a designated driver or a quick trip over to their next  social engagement at some point in the night.
Related imageImportantly, it is pertinent to note that Uber is expected to dish out 300 percent more rides on New Year's Eve than it did last year.It is widely reported that the company is estimated to see a total of 15 million rides on New Year's Eve in the 450 cities it currently operates worldwide

Thus, to put this on a wider perspective, Uber said in October that the company has about 40 million active monthly riders.Hence, Uber expect to see nearly 38 percent of its monthly ride volume in one night.(isn't that amazing)

Lastly, for Uber's drivers the New Year also means a much bigger chunk of money if they can stay awake and stand in the crowds.However, what makes this year different than previous New Year is that Uber  now displays UPFRONT PRICING. This means one should not be surprised to see Uber charge over $100 for a ride between midnight and 3 a.m in their respective timezone.But here's the catch, in as much as fewer people might embrace this on an historic night but then again, lowered inhibition might help push more rides Uber's way, even with the extraordinary price tag


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