Samsung Smartwatch market share stood at 15% during 2016

Did you know Samsung is one of the first big -name brand to enter the Smartwatch market and interestingly it has released some great smartwatches over the past few months.
Image result for samsung logo
However, according to report it was estimated that Samsung stood third in the Smartwatch market share during 2016 and only Apple managed to sell 11.9 million Smartwatches last year which results in a market share of 49% fitbit (with 17% market share).

Indeed, it derserves to be observed that Samsung (with 15% market share) stays second and third respecively. Thus, with product such as Gear S3 Classic and the Gear S3 frontier doing extremely well, it is no longer surprising to see the company expecting to push sales of its Smartwatches this year which might increase its Market share.



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