Samsung Launches App For People With Language Disorders

Most of the time we probably take the fact that we can speak, read, and write for granted. However there are people in the world that suffer from illnesses that prevent them from doing that. One of those illnesses is aphasia, which is the result of an injury to the brain that makes doing all of those things difficult or impossible.

However Samsung Italia has since launched a smartphone chat app called Wemogee. This is an app designed to help those with language disorders communicate with others, and this is done through the use of emojis, which according to studies is said to become a universal visual language of the future.
Related imageAccording to Samsung, “Samsung Wemogee functions as a kind of translator between text and emojis. The app includes a library of more than 140 phrases related to basic needs and emotional expressions […] Through a simple and intuitive interface, aphasic patients identify what they want to communicate through a panel of visual options, sending the chosen sequence of emojis to the non-aphasic recipient. The non-aphasic user will receive the message in text form and can then reply using pre-set textual phrases.”
Basically emojis are translated into words, and words into emojis, meaning that both parties don’t need to “learn” how to chat with each other and can do so normally. The app is expected to be made available come 28th of April where it will support both English and Italian.


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